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Application to Membership:  Persons seeking admission to membership shall fill out a membership form to be submitted to the Board while attending a general membership meeting, currently held on the third Wednesday of each month (with the exception of July & August); such application shall be endorsed with the recommendation of two (2) members in good standing; the application shall be accompanied by the required annual dues for the current calendar year. If you are interested in joining, please email [email protected].

Admission to Membership:  Admission to all membership shall be by a majority vote of the membership at any regular meeting.

There are three different types of membership within the club. They are as follows:


Active members are consider those who are:

  1. 18 years and older
  2. Dues paid for current year
  3. Participate in club events and meetings
  4. Holding position/s on “The Board”
  5. Players in the Corps
  6. Dancers


Passive members are consider those who:

  1. Dues paid for current year
  2. Participate in club events and meetings


Ehrenmitglied is determined by the Board upon nomination of a member, who has performed extraordinary duties and has shown extreme dedication to the club.


What is expected of all members

Since we are a non profit organization (501c), we currently have 2 fundraisers to help with our operating expenses. We rely on our members to donate their time to work at these events. The first one is Bockbierfest held the last Saturday in April. The second is German Fest held the last weekend in July. You may volunteer at our Pancake Booth, or any other area at the fest. We are club #25 and ask you to record that on your volunteer sheet so SZM gets the credit for your hours worked. If you are a member of more than one club, you are allowed to split your hours worked at the fest. Just include that on your volunteer sheet.